To Ensure our learners safety during COVID-19 outbreak, We have stepped up precautionary measures for our Classroom trainings. There is now an option to attend our classes online live also as our classes will be streamed online Skillsfuture Approved Microsoft Excel and Software Development Training Centre - Skillsfuture Approved Microsoft Excel and Software Development Training Centre
Skillsfuture Approved Microsoft Excel and Software Development Training Centre - Skillsfuture Approved Microsoft Excel and Software Development Training Centre
This course is to equip trainees with Data Analysis and visualization skills using Excel Power Pivot and Power BI Applications. Trainees will be able to import data from various sources, clean, transform, model and visualize that data. They will also learn to create dashboard reports of datasets to present patterns, trends and analytical insights from data and share it with colleagues and stakeholders. This is a Data Analytics course for beginners.
Data Analysis and Visualization with Excel Power Pivot and Power BI, Excel Power Pivot, Power BI, Data Analytics, Microsoft Excel, Data Analysis, Data Visualisation, Data Analytics Courses SkillsFuture Singapore, Data Analytics course for Beginners Singapore
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Data Analysis and Visualization with Excel Power Pivot and Power BI

Course Objective:

In today’s digital dominated world, organizations heavily depend on data to manage business processes, do accurate predictions and take informed business decisions. That is why it has become essential even for small business owners to learn to manage, analyse and visualise their business data.

PowerPivot and Power BI are Microsoft applications to manage, analyze and visualize even millions of records of huge data seamlessly.

This course is to equip trainees with Data Analysis and visualization skills using Excel Power Pivot and Power BI Applications. Trainees will be able to import data from various sources, clean, transform, model and visualize that data. They will also learn to create dashboard reports of datasets to present patterns, trends and analytical insights from data and share it with colleagues and stakeholders.

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course, trainees will be able to gain following skills:

Well Familiarized with Power Pivot and Power BI Application Interfaces

Able to import data in Power Pivot and Power BI applications from different data sources like Excel, Access, Text, SQL etc

Able to clean and transform data using query editor

Able to create Data Model by creating data relationships

Able to perform calculations in Data model to get deep insight of data

Create Visually appealing Data summary Reports using PowerPivot and Power BI to present patterns, trends, analytical insights from data

Some Advanced Functionalities like creating KPIs, Working with Date and Time related Data

Creating Data Dashboards in Power BI service

Share Visual data reports

Course Pre-requisite:

Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel is preferred

Educational Background:

O or N level (and its equivalent)

Course Duration:

14 Hours (Two days)

Training Methodology:

Lectures, Hands on Practice, Real world problem solving simulation

Course Fees:

$ 600 (Excluding GST)

Special discounts for groups and corporates

Course Registration:

Please E-mail at or call at 66699754